It’s nice to meet you

About Me

Hey There,

I’m Tara, and I’m a Certified Perinatal Doula and Childbirth Educator in Rhode Island. Originally from Columbus, Ohio, I have called RI home for the past few years. I come to the field of birth work with years of teaching and learning in Women and Gender Studies, specifically work in Black and Women of Color Feminisms. As such, I bring to this work not only my heart for education and learning but also for advocacy and support.

Many know that statistically and empirically, the United States medical industry has proven to facilitate disempowered, fearful, and unsafe birthing experiences now and across history. I am called to this work to re-introduce dignity to all birthing people, their babies, and their network of care. My mission is to create empowered, informed, and autonomous birthing experiences for all -- WOC, LGBTQIA+, Trying To Conceive (TTC), 35+, etc. -- through education, collaboration, and advocacy.

With me, you can imagine a collaborative learning experience with you at the helm – You know your body best! Together, we’ll dive into 1) a customized learning plan on childbirth education, 2) a series of reflective consultations about your needs, wants, and habits that would best inform your labor and postpartum plan, and 3) hands-on workshops on relief practices – breath work, movement, etc. – as well as labor coaching and delivery support.

If you’re ready to start, book a free consultation here. For more information about my services, click here.

See you soon!



I believe all pregnant people have the right to a rich, joyful, and dignified birthing experience.

What I Believe

I believe empowered birth and early parenthood experiences have lasting positive effects on individuals, families, and communities at large.

I believe birth is a collaborative process that requires a whole community of care workers, encouraging each other and distributing the necessary labor and resources to bring new life into the world. 

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